You are currently viewing Mise à jour 1.44 du firmware TYT TH-UV88

Mise à jour 1.44 du firmware TYT TH-UV88

Procédure de mise à jour du firmware TYT TH-UV88

  1. Télécharger le nouveau firmwareTYT TH-UV88 Update Firmware 20210520 [1.44]
  2. Connecter le câble USB,
  3. Sur le TH-UV88, maintenir le bouton PTT + P1 (Bouton poussoir au dessus de PTT),
  4. Puis allumer (rotation potentiomètre) avant de reâcher,
  5. La Led doit s’allumer en vert et signifier que le TH-UV88 est en attente de mise à jour firmware.
  6. Lancer l’exécutable UV88_98_UpData.exe,
  7. Sélectionner le port adéquat (voir X au dessus),
  8. Sélectionner (open) le fichier joint dans l’archive : UV88_Eng_BQ1_44_20210520
  9. Puis cliquer sur UPDATA et patienter jusqu’à ce que cela soit terminé (ne jamais débrancher avant la fin).

TYT TH-UV88 Firmware

Les changements

Voici le changelog des modifications de firmware depuis la version 1.32  que nous avions installé par le passé :

Address the issue that if menu item lock is set to PTT and the lock is activated by long pressing the */LOCK key, and when scan is activated, the radio doesn't respond anymore when scan is stopped with PTT button. and sometimes if you press PTT, radio will enter into single band

Then the scan icon on screen is off but the radio keeps scanning. It can't be stopped because the radio doesn't respond on key pressing. The only way to stop it is by turning the radio off and back on.


In MR mode and in FRE mode, it will all show channel number, and we revise into frequency when you set it as FRE mode

1、A and B operate independently on mode change

1、to solve the issue that during scanning, when it stops on a frequency or channel because there is signal on that frequency, the power meter does not show on the screen even though there is conversation occurring
2、To Solve the issue that the frequency or channels with DCS didn't send DCS even you set DCS on TX(this issue only occurs when customer set DCS to TX only, while they didn't set DCS to RX)

To add the function to be able to input the offset frequency via keypad

To remove the Chinese version from firmware

1、Add the roger tone to RX radio when Roger is enabled 
2、Address the issue that CTCSS/DCS cannot be set from menu in CH and MR mode 
3、Add the changes in MR and CH mode be able to stored, in previous firmware. if you change some settings like S-D and Power and so on, when you change the channels or turn off the radio and turn on again, the setting will be back to old one, and now it is addressed
Firmware version:UV88_Eng_BQ1_34_20210114

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  1. Chris

    Juste pour vous dire que je viens d’acheter des UV88 et le firmware dessus est 1.45

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